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(Updated 12/26/97) (Updated 1/6/99) (Updated 12/29/97) |
These WEB Pages developed as a result of my recent research into family history and genealogy and is a companion page to those about the Chenworth and Daspit de Saint-Amand families. Included here is a brief history of the Driscoll Clan and it's origins as well as the story and family tree of one Driscoll family, that of Florance Driscoll, who emigrated to America in about 1848. There is also a gallery of photographs of the Family of John Driscoll, Florance Driscoll's son and my great grandfather, who eventual settled in New Orleans, Louisiana. Finally, there is a collection of links to related sites about the Driscoll Clan and families. The "related sites" goes a bit beyond clan history, genealogy etc. to include cultural items about Ireland and the Driscoll homeland in southern Ireland. Eventually I hope to include material on related mythology and folklore which, I feel are as important in defining who we are as actual history. Mythology and folklore is after all nothing more than history for which sources have been lost and details have become somewhat altered by the oral traditions that have preserved them.
As with my other WEB Pages about the genealogy and history of my ancestral families, this pages are, and will continue to be under development as new material is located. Any suggestions or contributions, be they additional material for me to add to these pages or suggestions for links to related pages, are welcome.
The Driscoll or O’Driscoll clan comes from County Cork in the south of Ireland, particularly the area around Baltimore and Skibbereen. They were part of the Corca Laoighde tribal grouping which was descended from the Érainn or Fir Bolg, Celts who settled the area before the arrival of the Gaels. The name comes from O hEidirsceoil, from eidirsceol, meaning ‘go between’ or ‘bearer of news. The Driscolls were a powerful seafaring clan until about the 17th century, a history which provides the basis for their Coat of Arms. A number of castles and ruins of the O'Driscoll strongholds still exist today in the area around Baltimore and Skiberbeen, one of which, Dun na Sead (the Fort of Jewels), still stands in Baltimore.
The original Eidirsceol, from whom the family is descended was born in the early 10th century. According to one legend, Lugh Ith was the leader of an expedition of Celts who arrived in the Baltimore area seeking to escape Roman domination. He was given the name Hy Drisceoil or O hEidersceol which comes from the Irish Eidersceol meaning "go between" or "bearer of news".
The O'Driscolls, Princes
of Corca laoigdhe, were one of the one of the most powerful families of
southwest Ireland. Of ancient origin, their forbear, Eidersceól
[b. 910], descended from the Lughaidh Laidhe, grandfather of Lulghaidh
Mae Con, a third century King of Ireland. During the early Middle Ages
the O'Driscolls were Admirals who comanded the fleets of the Kings of Munster.
They also controlled a huge territory encompassing all of Bantry,
Carbery and Beara baronies; an area co-extensive with the diocese of Ross,
Around the close of the 12th century, pressure from the O'Sullivans drove
them eastward, and they settled in the vicinity of Baltimore. Further
encroachment by the O'Donavans and the O'Mahonys reduced the septs holdings
to a narrow strip of seacost. around the Bay of Baltimore.
Here in the year 1460, the Chief of
the Sept founded a Franciscan monestary . Although their patrimony
was vastly diminished, the O'Driscolls remained one of the leading maritime
families in the region, retaining a number of strong fortified castles,
down to the destruction of the Gaelic order in the 17th century.
Many of the name played an important role in the Munster wars during the
reign of Elizabeth I. Staunch supporters of James II, several O'Driscolls
wereofficers in his Irish army. As a result of the Jacobites' defeat
at the Battle of Kinsale in 1690, th O'Driscolls' property was regranted
to Lord Castlehaven. At this time, the name was also prominant in
the roles of Irish Brigades in the service of France, Austria and Spain.
One of the exiles, Col. Cornelius O'Driscoll, greatly distinguished himself
at the Battle of Ondara in 1707. Although the O'Driscolls suffered
extensive losses in the Cornwellian and Williamite confiscations and resettlements,
today in Ireland, the majority of this sept reside in or not far from their
ancestral lands.
If you are a Driscoll and would like to have your personal WEB Page or E-Mail address listed here, please let me know and I will be happy to include it (no commercial sites, please). Also If you know of other sites which relate to either the Driscoll Clan or about the culture of Ireland, especially that of the area around Baltimore, Skiberbeen and Cork, please let me know so I can include it here,
The information on these pages has come from a variety of sources, some of which include family documents of unknown origin. Consequently I can not vouch for the historical authenticity of all of the information. Although I have tried to be as accurate and complete as resouces permit, the intention is document and convey what is known about the Driscoll clan in general and in particular the family of Florance Driscoll. Due to the nature of the sources of much of the information, discrepancies will exist. Anyone who has additional information on any of these areas is encouraged to contact me.
Driscoll Clan: Information on the Driscoll Clan comes from family documents of unknown origin as well as from information on the Driscolls at Triona Carey's Sleeping Giant Site. Additional information plus the Coat of Arms comes from "Clans and Families of Ireland" by John Grenham (The Wellfleet Press - 1993).
Information on the Florance Driscoll family comes from family documents, recollections of family memebers and in particular material provided by my father's cousin, Mary Driscoll Loisel of New Orleans.
The material contained on these pages is my work and that of other members of the Driscoll family who have contributed to the family history and archives over the years. It is intended solely for the use of members of the Driscoll and Daspit Families and other researchers. It may be copied for private use and research, but may not be published or sold for profit without permission.
© Copyright 1996, 1997
by Patrick Daspit & various members
of the Daspit & Driscoll Families
Almond Press